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Best 8 Overnight Work from Home Jobs USA, Apply Today!

Over 15 million employees in America work permanent overnight jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Overnight jobs are prevalent in companies that provide 24/7 services. These overnight jobs seek to cover the production process over a different time zone. It is important to note that there are sets of time variations that constitute the overall overnight work. These sets of times vary in companies; the graveyard- shift starts from midnight to the morning, the lobster- shift starts from evening to early morning, and the second shift covers evening work.

 The Bureau of Labor Statistics shows records of 10.8% of the workforce working the second shift while a comprehensive 6.5% work the graveyard shift. Upwork survey shows that over 26% of the American workforce will work remotely in 2021, including the friction that has consigned to overnight jobs from home. 

The COVID pandemic and the advancement of innovation and technology is a beautiful coincident of the fourth industrial revolution for employers in the U.S. These digital innovations and technology have facilitated the success of overnight jobs from home. With that success humming through the digital age, this article seeks to look at the top 8 overnight works from home currently doing rounds in the USA. 

Top 8 Overnight Work From Home In The USA

1. Overnight Member Support Associate

This overnight job from home covers the lobster shift, starting at 8 pm and ending at 7 in the morning. A candidate for the overnight member support associate needs to be an enthusiastic and positive personality. S/he will be working from home with the IT development team of companies via emails and phone. This kind of overnight work from home requires the candidate to be a proactive and independent worker who is fast to grasp complex company systems, procedures, and processes.

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2. Tier IT Support Technician

You will become part of the ‘support center team,’ and changes shift around the hours of an overnight job from home. The role of this overnight work from home revolves around solving customer usage difficulties and desk services that require the involvement of IT specialists. The tier 1 IT support technician will be responsible for troubleshooting network applications, cloud systems, and servers. In addition, the technician will be responsible for responding to customer inquiries, utilizing company cyber security and monitoring systems to wire alarms and alerts. All these responsibilities are carried out via the phone, emails, customer portals, and chat boards.

3. Benefit and Eligibility Worker

Usually, this overnight work-from-home job requires the candidate to be part of a dynamic, diverse, and collaborative team. The Benefit and Eligibility work is a new overnight job from home, which requires somebody with a passion for helping other people. The responsibilities a candidate will fulfill for this role include interviewing applicants and explaining the eligibility requirements for the resources and programs of agencies. 

4. Remote Customer Service Representative 

Companies are hiring remote customer service representatives for overnight work from home to deliver solutions and services for their clients. The candidate for this overnight job from home will be working with top systems and technologies along with supportive peers and leaders. The candidate for this role is someone who pays particular attention to details and has sharp, probing skills. You will be responsible for handling billing inquiries, service requests, and informing advice that conserves energy. All your duties will be carried out as an overnight job from home through chats and inbound calls.

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5. Support Technician Overnight 

Almost similar to the Member Support Associate overnight job from home, but this one is limited to developing an in-depth knowledge base of the company client system, products, and processes. The candidates for this overnight job from home assist with copyrighting goods. So the responsibility of the candidate includes resolving and supporting the installation of inquiries, request about changing products, communication of vendor rights with 3rd parties, attending to end-user queries, and administrations of products. During the lobster shift over the phone, text messages, and chats, the candidates carry this job over the phone.


6. Roadside Support Specialist

This overnight work from home deals with actively outsourcing road services for all emergencies occurring on the roadsides pertaining to commercial automobiles. The responsibility of the roadside support specialist includes;

  • Utilizing brief data to spot emergency locations.
  • Networking with technicians, service dealers, and fleets. 
  • Coordinating with technicians to outsource required parts for broken-down automobiles.
  • Catching noteworthy details from mumbled information
  • Confirm all breakdown information to transmit accurate data to parts shops.
  • Grasp emergency specifications fast to clarify ERS inquiries swiftly.

The candidates need to demonstrate candid teamwork skills to work efficiently with other team members through the phone and texts.

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7. The Intake Coordinator

Very relevant to the health sector, the intake coordination overnight job from home sees the provision of customers’ services to office staff, patients, and practitioners. This is a full-time overnight job from home. It covers the lobster shift, starting from the late evening at 9 pm and get closed by the morning at 7 am in the USA. The intake coordinator overnighted work from home across two lines: the USA’s scheduling and diagnostic evaluation center. 

8. 2.1.1 Contact Center Specialist 

This overnight job is common in the welfare service sectors, so the candidate must be keen to work with communities. This role is suitable for social workers who will be performing at front-line with state agencies, the general public, and community service providers. The specialist will be working an overnight job from home throughout the third and lobster shifts, which is from the late evening and early morning. The responsibilities include taking calls about general information and referrals of complex cases of social problems. 

The specialist also records time spent on advocacy duties, crisis intervention, and research. The specialist will be taking on the overnight work from home role to work with both young and older people calling the 2.1.1 crisis helplines. 



This article outlines and explains the top 8 overnight jobs from home currently in high demand in the USA. These jobs range from working in a team of specialists as assistance to working with a sectorial team as an expert. The overnight works from home cover varying shifts, such as the third shift, lobster shift, and graveyard shift.

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