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What is Permanent Jewelry: Understanding the Concept and Benefits

When it comes to jewelry, we often think of temporary pieces that can be taken off easily. However, with the rise of permanent jewelry, there’s a new trend in the industry that’s attracting more and more people. In this article, we’ll explore the concept of permanent jewelry, its benefits, and what you need to know before getting one.

What is Permanent Jewelry?

Permanent jewelry refers to any type of jewelry that’s designed to stay on your body for an extended period, if not permanently. Unlike traditional jewelry that can be removed, permanent jewelry is attached to your body through piercing, implanting, or tattooing. It’s a growing trend among people who want a unique and long-lasting way to express their personal style.

Types of Permanent Jewelry

There are several types of permanent jewelry to choose from, each with its own unique style and benefits. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most popular ones:

Microdermal Implants

Microdermal implants are a type of permanent jewelry that involves inserting a small piece of jewelry into the skin. It’s a quick and relatively painless procedure that requires little downtime. Microdermal implants can be placed in various parts of the body, such as the neck, chest, and back.

Surface Anchors

Surface anchors are similar to microdermal implants, but they have a larger base that sits on the surface of the skin. They’re often used to create intricate designs, such as those found in corset piercings.


Corset Piercings

Corset piercings are a type of surface piercing that’s typically done on the back. They involve multiple piercings that are connected by a piece of jewelry, creating a corset-like effect. Corset piercings are a popular choice for those who want a dramatic and unique look.

Tooth Gems

Tooth gems are a type of permanent jewelry that’s applied to the teeth. They’re typically made of a small piece of gold or crystal and attached to the tooth using dental adhesive. Tooth gems are a great way to add some bling to your smile without the commitment of a piercing.

Scalp Micropigmentation

Scalp micropigmentation is a form of tattooing that’s used to create the appearance of a full head of hair. It’s often used by people with balding or thinning hair and can be a permanent solution to hair loss.

Tattooed Jewelry

Tattooed jewelry is a type of permanent jewelry that’s created by tattooing a design onto the skin. It can be a great way to create a unique and personalized piece of jewelry that’s always with you.

Pros and Cons of Permanent Jewelry

Before getting permanent jewelry, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons. Here are some of the most common ones:



  • Unique and personalized look
  • No need to worry about losing or misplacing jewelry
  • Can be a long-term or permanent solution
  • Can be a form of self-expression


  • Painful and invasive procedures
  • Risk of infection or complications
  • May limit career options
  • Expensive and time-consuming to remove

Things to Consider Before Getting Permanent Jewelry

Before getting permanent jewelry, there are a few things you should consider to ensure it’s the right choice for you. Here are some of the most important factors to keep in mind:

1. Choose a Reputable Piercer or Tattoo Artist

Since permanent jewelry involves piercing or tattooing, it’s crucial to choose a reputable and experienced professional. Research potential artists or piercers online, read reviews, and ask for referrals from friends or family members. Make sure they have the necessary certifications and follow proper safety procedures to minimize the risk of infection or complications.

2. Decide on the Placement

The placement of your permanent jewelry can affect your daily life, career options, and even your health. For example, facial piercings may be frowned upon in certain professional settings, while tongue piercings can interfere with speech and eating. Consider the placement carefully and choose an area that won’t cause discomfort or complications.

3. Consider the Healing Process

Healing time for permanent jewelry can vary depending on the type of jewelry and placement. It’s important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your piercer or tattoo artist to ensure proper healing and minimize the risk of infection. Healing can take several weeks to several months, so be prepared for some discomfort and lifestyle adjustments during that time.

4. Think about Future Plans

Permanent jewelry is, by definition, permanent. Before getting it, consider if it aligns with your future plans and goals. For example, if you plan to pursue a career in a conservative field, visible piercings or tattoos may limit your options. It’s important to think about the long-term implications of your decision.

5. Consider the Cost

Permanent jewelry can be expensive, with costs ranging from a few hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on the type of jewelry and complexity of the procedure. Make sure you have a budget in mind and choose an artist or piercer whose rates align with your financial goals.


How to Care for Permanent Jewelry

Proper aftercare is crucial to ensure the longevity and health of your permanent jewelry. Here are some tips to follow:

  • Keep the area clean and dry.
  • Use a saline solution or mild soap to clean the area.
  • Avoid touching or twisting the jewelry.
  • Avoid swimming or submerging the area in water until it’s fully healed.
  • Avoid tight or restrictive clothing that can irritate the area.
  • Follow the aftercare instructions provided by your piercer or tattoo artist.


Permanent jewelry is a growing trend that can offer a unique and long-lasting way to express your personal style. From microdermal implants to tattooed jewelry, there are many options to choose from. However, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons and consider the factors outlined in this article before making a decision. With proper research and aftercare, you can enjoy your permanent jewelry for years to come.


Is permanent jewelry painful?

Permanent jewelry procedures can be uncomfortable or even painful, depending on the type of jewelry and placement. However, most people find the pain to be tolerable and temporary.

How long does it take to heal from permanent jewelry procedures?

Healing time can vary depending on the type of jewelry and placement. It can take several weeks to several months for the area to fully heal.

Can permanent jewelry be removed?

While permanent jewelry is designed to be long-lasting or even permanent, it can be removed with professional help. However, removal can be expensive and time-consuming.

Are there any health risks associated with permanent jewelry?

There is a risk of infection or other complications with any type of piercing or tattooing. However, with proper aftercare and a reputable professional, the risk can be minimized.


Hi, I am Sadhana and thank you for stopping by to know me. I am a work-at-home mom of One Cute Baby and a firm believer in making 'working from home' success for everyone.

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