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How to Scale Your Business Through Digital Marketing

With more than four billion Internet users across the world, having a solid digital marketing strategy has become more crucial than ever to reach your ideal customers and scale your business.

However, with new marketing trends popping up every now and then, many marketers find themselves struggling to adapt to these constant changes. Focusing on certain trends without feeling stressed out is no longer possible.

Luckily for you, we’re here to help you lessen the burden and make it work. In this article, you’ll learn different digital marketing strategies you can implement to generate leads, build brand awareness, and accelerate your sales.

With that in mind, let’s get started!

1. Leverage the Power of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Any successful marketer would tell you that SEO has helped get them to where they are now.


As a matter of fact, 61% of marketers say improving SEO and growing their organic presence is their top inbound marketing priority. 70% believe that it’s more effective than pay-per-click (PPC) ads.

In case you’re wondering, SEO is a process aimed to get your website ranking high on Google and other search engines. Ranking high means more people looking for your products and/or services online will discover your business.

If they like what they’re seeing on your website, there’s a huge chance that they’ll turn into your customers. Plus, being on top of search engine results pages (SERPs) establishes you as a top player in your industry. Your target audience will deem you as a credible brand.

You should know, though, that the results don’t come in an instant. Normally, it takes six months or more before you can notice any changes in your online performance. They’ll certainly be worth the wait, as these results not only tend to be long-lasting, but they’ll be helping your business grow in so many ways.

Although it’s always best to hire an internet marketing company to take charge of the SEO aspect, you can still do the basics on your own, such as the following:

  • Use the right keywords. Keyword research is the backbone of any effective SEO strategy, which is why you should prioritize it first. These keywords are the primary terms (or phrases) that lead people to your website. Tools like Moz, Semrush, and Google Keyword Planner can help you find the best keywords.
  • Write quality and original content. Ideally, you want to create content that your audience finds relevant and valuable. Focus on topics within your niche, particularly those where you excel at. For instance, if you own a pet shop, you can write about the best dog foods for large breeds or tips on disciplining cats.
  • Use short URLs. A clean URL can make an impact on your SEO, helping search engines understand your page and providing a more user-friendly appearance in the SERPs. That said, keep your URLs clear and concise (preferably around 60 characters), and try to include your primary keyword if possible.
  • Include a mix of external and internal links in your content. External links direct users to another site, whereas internal links help search engine crawlers find your content and encourage your visitors to stay longer on your site.

2. Harness Social Media Marketing

By now, you might already know that social media has turned into a quintessential element in today’s marketing mix.

4.48 billion people use social media globally, and 54% of them use various platforms to research products. No wonder many businesses have invested in social media marketing. If you haven’t yet, now’s the best time to do so.

To encourage you further, here are four big advantages your business can get with a good social media marketing plan:

a. Improves Brand Awareness

Brand awareness is a top priority for pretty much all companies out there. That’s why millions of them are also making social media a priority.

Unlike traditional media, social media can quickly and easily can get your brand in front of people. Take Instagram, for instance; 83% of users say they’ve discovered new products on it.


b. Boosts Traffic & Conversion Rates

Especially if you’re consistently posting quality and engaging content, responding to comments, and doing live videos to interact with your audience, you’ll be able to lead potential customers to your website.

c. Helps You Understand Your Audience Better

It’s crucial to know what your prospects are interested in if you aim to reach them. Besides, how can you create content that resonates with them if you have no clue as to what they like?

Thanks to social media, discovering what your audience is into isn’t as difficult as it used to be anymore!


d. Builds Customer Loyalty

People follow and interact with brands they support, with 90% of them actually buying from brands they follow on social media. Plus, the fact that they follow you means they’re more likely to choose you over your competition.

So, what should you be doing to make the most of social media? Here are several tips:

  • Choose your platforms wisely.You don’t really need to be available on all social media platforms, but rather, only on those where your prospects are usually active on. Then, define your strategy for each channel. For example, you can use Instagram Stories and TikTok for tutorials, whereas Twitter is for customer service.
  • Create a social media content calendar. What’s better than publishing great content that your audience will love? Publishing it at the best times – those where it gets the maximum impact. A social media content calendar is the perfect place to plan your social media activities. It’s where you list the dates and times at which you’ll publish types of content on each network.
  • Use the 80-20 rule. Maintaining the right content mix is necessary to support your business goals. However, if you’re not sure what types of content to post yet, you can try the 80-20 rule: 80% of your posts should educate, inform, and entertain your audience, while 20% can be used to promote your business.
  • Don’t post too little or too much. Posting too little will give your audience the impression that you don’t care about engaging with them. Posting too much will annoy them. These frequency suggestions should be able to help:
    • Facebook: 1-2x per day
    • Twitter: 1-5x per day
    • LinkedIn: 1-5x per day
  • Post killer content. People love brands that deliver content gold on social media, so make sure that you’re one of these brands by concentrating on these content types:
    • “Ask me anything” live stream session
    • How-to videos
    • User-generated content
    • Contests and giveaways
    • Viral challenges
    • Polls and surveys
    • Behind-the-scenes
    • Hacks or cheat sheets

3. Run PPC Ads

In pay-per-click advertising, you pay a small fee every time someone clicks on your ads. Rather than spending money on estimated impressions, you only pay for the traffic your ads generate, which make them an excellent option if you’re looking to have total control of your budget and performance.

Other than that, below are some of the top ways PPC ads can help scale your business:

  • They allow you to reach the right people at the right time
  • They provide instant traffic
  • They lead to positive ROI
  • They’re easy to produce
  • They enable you to retarget those people who didn’t convert when they clicked on your ad
  • They benefit your SEO and social media strategies
  • They’re not dependent on algorithm changes

Google Ads is one of the most popular PPC platforms, with 41% of clicks going to the top three paid ads in search results on Google. That’s because customers are already searching for keywords that are relevant to your products and/or services. For sure, you’ll reach a targeted and quality audience that’s ready to buy when you invest in Google Ads. 

4. Use Email Marketing

Email offers a number of benefits to businesses of all sizes. By consistently interacting with subscribers, brands can secure recognition, trust, and sales.


What’s more, with 4.3 billion people estimated to use email by 2023, it’s only fitting to include email into your digital marketing strategy.

An effective email campaign is typically achieved using these steps:

  • Give people a reason to subscribe. Pitch them with value. Offer them an incentive to sign up.
  • Stick to your goal. Whether you’re crafting your newsletters to increase social media presence, drive traffic to a landing page, or promote a new product, see to it that it’s clearly communicated in your email content.
  • Entice subscribers with your subject lines. There’sno point in a well-thought-out email if nobody opens it. A boring subject line like “March Newsletter” will get you nowhere, whereas something that piques curiosity such as “We have a surprise for you inside” or gets your audience excited like “Hot freebie alert! 10 free gifts, you pick 5” will no doubt increase your open rate and conversion.
  • Keep your content 90% educational and 10% promotional. Let’s be honest, your subscribers don’t really want to hear about your products and services 100% of the time. You’ll likely wear them out if you keep sending them promotional emails, eventually leading them to hit the “unsubscribe” button. On the other hand, sending them educational content – be it about the latest styles of running shoes or tips to run uphill – will drive them to open their inboxes.
  • Automate. Email automation has made it more convenient than ever to build a personalized relationship with your audience. Schedule follow-up emails whenever customers purchase a certain product, download an ebook, or book an appointment.

Final Thoughts

In today’s world where more and more people are spending their time online, digital marketing has become a powerful tool for marketers and businesses in all parts of the globe. Implementing these strategies is key to getting your business ahead of the curve.

Hi, I am Sadhana and thank you for stopping by to know me. I am a work-at-home mom of One Cute Baby and a firm believer in making 'working from home' success for everyone.

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