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How To React To Instagram Messages in 2023

In recent years, Instagram has grown to become one of the most popular social media platforms worldwide. With over 1 billion active monthly users, Instagram has evolved from being just a photo-sharing app to a communication platform that allows users to send and receive messages. The direct message feature on Instagram is an essential part of the app that enables users to have private conversations with their friends, family, and followers. However, not everyone knows how to respond to Instagram messages effectively. In this article, we will discuss how to react to Instagram messages in 2023.

Understanding Instagram Messages

Before we dive into how to react to Instagram messages, let’s first understand the types of messages on Instagram.

Direct Messages

Direct messages on Instagram, also known as DMs, are private messages sent between two users or a group of users. You can access your DMs by tapping on the paper plane icon at the top right corner of your Instagram home screen.


Requests are messages that you receive from users who you do not follow. These messages are separated from your DMs and can be accessed by tapping on the ‘message requests’ option.

Now that we understand the different types of messages on Instagram let’s discuss how to react to them effectively.


Reacting To Instagram Messages

Reacting to Instagram messages involves knowing the appropriate response to each message you receive. Here are some tips on how to react to Instagram messages effectively in 2023.

1. Respond In A Timely Manner

When someone sends you a message on Instagram, it’s crucial to respond in a timely manner. Delayed responses may make the sender feel unimportant or ignored. Aim to respond to messages within 24 hours, especially if it’s from a business or a potential client.

2. Customize Your Responses

Generic responses may come off as insincere and impersonal. Take the time to customize your responses to each message you receive. This makes the sender feel valued and appreciated.

3. Keep It Professional

If you’re using Instagram for business, ensure that your responses are professional and reflect your brand’s tone. Avoid using slang or inappropriate language that may offend the sender.

4. Use Emojis Appropriately

Emojis are a great way to convey emotions and make your responses more engaging. However, use them appropriately and avoid overusing them, as this may make your response come off as unprofessional.


5. Be Respectful

In cases where you receive negative or offensive messages, it’s crucial to remain respectful in your response. Avoid engaging in arguments or insults that may damage your reputation.


Instagram messages are an essential part of the app, and knowing how to react to them effectively can improve your social media experience. Remember to respond in a timely manner, customize your responses, keep it professional, use emojis appropriately, and be respectful. By following these tips, you can make your Instagram messages more engaging and meaningful.


How do I access my Instagram messages?

To access your Instagram messages, tap on the paper plane icon at the top right corner of your Instagram home screen.

Can I delete Instagram messages?

Yes, you can delete Instagram messages by long-pressing the message and tapping on the delete option.

Can I unsend an Instagram message?

Yes, you can unsend an Instagram message by long-pressing the message and tapping on the unsend option.

Can I report an offensive message on Instagram?

Yes, you can report an offensive message on Instagram by long-pressing the message and tapping on the report option.

Hi, I am Sadhana and thank you for stopping by to know me. I am a work-at-home mom of One Cute Baby and a firm believer in making 'working from home' success for everyone.

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