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What Is the Hex Code for Discord Background?

Discord Background hex code: Discord is a popular communication platform used by millions of users worldwide. It provides a platform for communication through voice and text, as well as file sharing and integration with other popular apps. One of the great features of Discord is that it allows you to customize your user interface. One of the most common customization options is changing the background color of your Discord app.

The Discord app has a default dark gray background color, but you can change it to any color you want. To change the background color, you will need to use a hex code. A hex code, also known as a hexadecimal code, is a six-digit code that represents a specific color. The code is made up of numbers and letters from 0 to 9 and A to F. Each digit in the code represents a different level of color intensity, with 0 being the lowest and F being the highest.

What is a hex code?

Before we dive into the hex code for Discord background, it’s important to understand what a hex code is. A hex code, also known as a hexadecimal code, is a six-digit code that represents a specific color. The code is made up of numbers and letters from 0 to 9 and A to F. Each digit in the code represents a different level of color intensity, with 0 being the lowest and F being the highest.

Hex codes are commonly used in web design and digital graphics to specify color. They provide a standardized way of representing colors that is recognized by all web browsers and graphic design programs.

What is the hex code for Discord background?

The hex code for the Discord background is #36393F. This is the default color for the background of the Discord app. If you want to change the background color, you can use a different hex code to customize the color.


How to Change the Background Color in Discord

To change the background color of your Discord app, you will need to access the developer console. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Step 1: Open the Discord app and log in to your account.

Step 2: Press the Ctrl + Shift + I keys on your Windows keyboard or the Cmd + Shift + I keys on your Mac keyboard to open the developer console.

Step 3: Click on the Console tab in the developer console.

Step 4: Copy and paste the following code into the console:

javascriptCopy = '#36393F';

Step 5: Press the Enter key on your keyboard to execute the code.

Step 6: Close the developer console by pressing the Ctrl + Shift + I keys on your Windows keyboard or the Cmd + Shift + I keys on your Mac keyboard again.

The background color of your Discord app should now be changed to the default dark gray color.

Customizing the Discord Background Color

If you want to customize the background color of your Discord app, you can use a different hex code. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Step 1: Open the Discord app and log in to your account.


Step 2: Press the Ctrl + Shift + I keys on your Windows keyboard or the Cmd + Shift + I keys on your Mac keyboard to open the developer console.

Step 3: Click on the Console tab in the developer console.

Step 4: Copy and paste the following code into the console, replacing the hex code with the one you want to use:

javascriptCopy = '#<hex code>';

Step 5: Press the Enter key on your keyboard to execute the code.

Step 6: Close the developer console by pressing the Ctrl + Shift + I keys on your Windows keyboard or the Cmd + Shift + I keys on your Mac keyboard again.


The background color of your Discord app should now be changed to the hex code you specified.

Examples of Hex Codes for Discord Background

Here are some examples of hex codes you can use to customize the background color of your Discord app:

  • #7289DA: This is the default color for Discord’s logo and is a popular choice for customizing the background color.
  • #FF69B4: This is a bright pink color that can add a fun and playful vibe to your Discord app.
  • #00FFFF: This is a bright blue-green color that can create a refreshing and calming atmosphere in your Discord app.
  • #FFA500: This is a bright orange color that can add a pop of energy and excitement to your Discord app

Hi, I am Sadhana and thank you for stopping by to know me. I am a work-at-home mom of One Cute Baby and a firm believer in making 'working from home' success for everyone.

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